Home Politique National Assembly: Mboso no longer seduces!

National Assembly: Mboso no longer seduces!

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National deputies have a hard time supporting the methods of their President, Christophe Mboso N’Kodia. It is an open secret that from the height of his 78 years, he struggles to win the admiration of his colleagues.

As a result, plenary sessions no longer attract large numbers of people and more and more elected officials are conspicuous by their absence. This situation seriously threatens the parliamentary session in September.

Opened on 15 September 2021, the current parliamentary session in the National Assembly is obviously not taken seriously by some national deputies. The second since the establishment of the Sacred Union of the Nation, it is marked by a strong absenteeism of the national deputies and the delays of those who participate in the plenaries.

Not content with this situation, Christophe Mboso N’Kodia, in a statement published on Thursday, September 23, asked his colleagues who are inside or outside the country to return to Kinshasa in order to resume with the activities of the ordinary session.

According to information obtained alternance.cd, by displaying an militancy of another age, the speaker of the lower house of parliament would have discouraged the national elected, who would not find more interesting the plenaries that it convenes.

The successor of Jeanine Mabunda would be blamed, in particular, for the confiscation of speech, discourteous remarks towards his colleagues whom he would treat as his children with regard to his age or even uncontrolled public outings.

It should be noted that since his election last February to head the bureau of the National Assembly, he has already been targeted by two petitions, which have not been successful.

The first was initiated last April by National MP Willy Bolio, who accused him of regularly and deliberately violating the rules of the lower house of parliament. The second was initiated by National MP Adrien Phoba and continues to circulate now.

If they claim to still support their president and not support the initiatives aimed at removing him, the national deputies of the Sacred Union of the Nation are far from being admirers of Mboso. They too participate less and less in the plenary sessions.

Can we see the beginning of the end for the oldest member of the National Assembly, who was elected president by 389 votes last February? There is every indication that this is the case.


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